J A C K E TContrast is a | F E A T U R EAndrea is wearing the fashionable denim jacket for effect in the High Noon Sun
S U N S T R U C KCreate | M O V E M E N TCreate Movement with your photos. Never stand still
R E L A XDon't mind my | M O X I EAttitude matters. Relax and bring your personality to the forefront
W A I TDon't stress. Be | H A P P YContemplation Creates Composition
S I M P L ENo | W O R R I E SStop thinking and walk your dog
L I G H TStill and | S I M P L EEvery lighting situation creates an opportunity to be creative
W A L KAlong the | H O R I Z O NSimple compositions are key in free creativity
L O V EOf the | C I T YThese signs are hammered up all over Kansas City, MO. What a good reminder
B R E A KThe cycle, shoot in the | S U NRandom tag alleys are a good time
C I T YWide views in | F O C U SPulled from a timelapse, just prior to sunrise
R E S T O R EOld things made | N E WShot this just before the door was replaced with something more modern
L I N E SIn the | W I R EFollowing the lines and found this gem of an angle
T I M ETo keep | M O V I N GClocks never stop
A R TOn the | W A L L STags, tags, tags
L I F EFrom | D E C A YRefurbished buildings against lit alleys